5 Ways to Target Your Customers on Google

5 Ways To Target Your Customers on Google

You can spend all the money in the world for advertising your product or services, but none of it will be helpful if your ads aren’t seen by the very people most likely to use your product. Your plan to roll out your advertising needs to incorporate how to target those people who are most likely to become a customer, and preferably, become a regular customer.

Google Ads Targeting Tools

Google has become a favorite way for smart marketers and businesses to find their prospective audience for advertising. Google has the largest search platform, along with Google My Business, and other social media and online tools. Here are 5 of the best ways to use Google to target your customers for the best advertising plan:

  • Search results- People who need a service or product will start out by doing an online search. Google is used 3.5 billion times per day. This is over 75% of all daily searches, so Google has access to data regarding your potential customers and exact needs in specific geographic locations. Using this data allows you to put your advertisements directly in front of the very people who create relevant searches for your product and in your area.
  • Retargeting- Through Google retargeting, you can use the information gathered about the products a site visitor searches or looks at in order to retarget ads to them for additional related products, services, and special deals. Your site awards visitors a cookie, which is stored on their device. When the same potential customer visits additional Google network sites, your ads and promotions can stream onto those pages to be viewed. The ads can announce sales, suggest accessories to previous purchases, or simply remind the customer about your website.
  • Interest Targeting- Many social media sites offer the ability to match your product or services to internet users who have shown interest in similar items or topics which can relate to your business website. Facebook is a good example. This customer data is categorized into useful groupings such as “affinity” or what they are interested in, customer matching, “in-market” or knowing what the customer is actively researching, as well as the prediction of future interests based on related items or services known to accompany such purchases.
  • Demographic Targeting- Google AdWords now has a detailed demographic feature. Based on data collected regarding age, gender, home ownership, family make-up, education, and marital status, Google can further help you aim your ads to the customer demographics you are targeting.
  • YouTube vs TV- In days past, local businesses had to come up with the cash to advertise on local TV. For many small businesses that can get pretty pricey. Even larger businesses need to keep a close eye on advertising expenses. Video is always a great attention-getter for ads, but television is expensive on every level, from local to national. Today we have many video websites where anyone can upload content to be searched and watched. YouTube, also owned by Google, is by far the largest and most watched of all of these. Because they can be so affordable, ads on YouTube have a great rate of investment compared to expensive TV ads. They also tend to have a further reach. For industries aimed at mostly older customers, it’s wise to do at least some advertising on television. However, in all age groups, the internet, and specifically YouTube gives a bang for your buck. Remember your targeting on YouTube has the power of the Google network, so in every way it’s also specifically targeted, making your ads placement even more effective.

With so many marketing choices, coming up with a great advertising plan for your business can be a daunting task. In this digital age, it’s more important than ever that your marketing stays targeted for the maximum impact and ROI. Eviva Media can walk your business through the very best strategies for marketing and advertising, not only through Google but for your entire marketing plan. Contact Eviva for your consultation today.

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