Everything You Need to Know About Marketing with Reels

woman taking photo with phone, marketing with reels

You know social media is vital in terms of marketing and outreach, and you know a viral video can send brand awareness to the stratosphere. What you probably don’t know, though, is that marketing with reels doesn’t have to go viral to be impactful. 

You don’t have to hit a million views to reap the benefits of short-form video, though it’s possible to do so when all the social media stars align. Marketing with reels can keep your audience engaged and growing; find out why.

Why Marketing with Reels is So Important

In a fast-paced world where everything is competing for attention and eyeballs, ultra-short video content is the perfect format to boost engagement. This is especially true when you learn how to maximize the value of powerful algorithms. 

All short-form video platforms are driven by algorithms created to show each individual user the content best suited to their tastes and watching habits. This means potential customers who have been researching the kinds of services you provide are already primed to receive your content on their feed. 

This targeted reach is even more powerful when you judiciously use hashtags in your caption and choose to boost your strongest content. Trends move at lightning speed on video-based social media sites, which also means you can capitalize on those trends at their peak.

Types of Content Ideally Suited to Marketing with Reels

One of the many fantastic things about short-form video is that it’s a flexible, versatile format. There are several different types of video content you can create, but these tend to be the most popular for businesses:

    •       Educational Content – Everyone loves a short, sweet and to-the-point tutorial. Whether you’re demonstrating the best way to use a product or even DIY tips for the simplest tasks related to a service you provide, people enjoy feeling empowered with knowledge from professionals.
    •  For example, plumbing services can generate goodwill by demonstrating how to unclog a sink properly. This doesn’t eliminate your customers’ need for your services; it sends the message that you value helping people. There are so many possibilities for companies providing a wide range of services when it comes to marketing with reels through educational content.
    •       Behind-the-Scenes Content – Who doesn’t love to peek through the proverbial curtain to see how things work? Behind-the-scenes content is incredibly popular, especially if it’s funny. Marketing with reels is your best opportunity to show a more casual, humorous, and friendly side of your business. Seeing the people behind the brand also gives viewers a glimpse of what makes your company tick: your awesome team!
    •       Promoting Your Customers – User-generated content is valuable because it shows your audience how others engage with your brand. When customers post testimonials or reviews, reposting them gives you both a boost in views and engagement, but it also personalizes your business to your audience.
    •       Showcasing Your Work – Of course, you strive for excellence in everything you do, but sometimes there’s a project that turns out even better than expected. Showcasing your best work through quick reels is a great way to pique interest, especially among those the algorithm knows are searching for services like yours. Aspirational content is still wildly popular, especially the kind that focuses on home improvement, design, and lifestyle.

Mastering the world of short-form video doesn’t have to take all your time and attention from running your business, especially when you have a coordinated marketing plan. If you’re ready to boost your engagement, audience reach, and bottom line, social media and reel marketing with reels are essential. 

Not sure where or how to get started? Eviva Media can help you take control of your marketing plan, boost your visibility and increase engagement.

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