5 Simple Ways to Improve Website Experience

5 Simple Ways to Improve Website Experience

Almost every business today has a website – even your competitors. For yours to stand out amongst the rest, you must have a site that provides users with a great website experience. But what does that even mean?

Great website design? User-friendly navigation? Fast loading times? 

Yes, those things are essential – but there’s more to it. In this article, we’ll explore some specific ways you can improve the user experience on your website and turn visitors into loyal customers.

Here are some specific ways you can improve overall website experience for your users:


1. Make it Easy To Get Around

Make sure your site is designed for easy navigation. Users should be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

Some things to consider: 

  1. Does your navigation menu make sense? Are the right pages in the right places?
  2. Are all your links working? Directing users to a 404 (not found) page is frustrating!
  3. Have you included clear CTAs (Calls to Action) to allow users to contact you or ask questions easily?

2. Use Clear Messaging

Use clear and concise text. Avoid using jargon or complex language that might confuse users. Remember to speak to your target audience and use terminology that they understand and speaks to their pain points.

3. Prioritize Website Speed

How fast your website loads plays an integral role in user experience, SEO rankings, and the number of people who convert into leads on your website.

The harsh reality is that 1 in 4 visitors will leave your website and not return if load time exceeds 4 seconds. In other words, you have just seconds to draw someone to your website and keep them there before they move on to your competitor.

Lucky for you, WordPress has available plug-ins that optimize your website load speed. Things like large and high-quality images or videos, bulk amounts of text, and cache loading can all contribute to slow load time.

4. Optimize For All Devices

Your website needs to be optimized for mobile. In the world we live in today, over half of your web traffic comes from mobile devices, so if your website isn’t mobile-friendly, the chances of losing potential customers/clients are high.

Mobile optimization is more than how your website displays. Depending on your website, you may want to hide certain information on mobile or display it differently for the best user experience.

5. Provide Lead Generation Opportunities

Make sure your website has multiple ways for people to connect with you.

You want users to understand what you want them to do on your website and provide them with the opportunity to get in touch with you and take the next step!

Some examples of lead generation you can implement on your site include:

  1. A visible click-to-call phone number
  2. Clear contact information
  3. Contact forms
  4. Request forms
  5. A live chat
  6. Calendar booking links
  7. Newsletter signup
  8. Links to your social media channels
  9. Pop-ups

Are you happy with your website experience?

By following these pro tips, you can create a website that provides a positive user experience for your visitors. Our team at Eviva Media is here to help! If you are looking for help improving your website experience, you can request a free website and marketing audit or schedule a time to have a conversation with one of our professionals!

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