Meet Your Marketing Goals with Our Strategy Health Check

Meet Your Marketing Goals

When was the last time you evaluated your marketing goals? If it’s been a while, don’t worry.

It’s the perfect time to look over your marketing goals and find out if your business is on track to meet them.

Take our marketing strategy health check to find out how your business is doing and whether you need to switch your strategies or not.

Are you getting the visibility you want?

Assuming one of your marketing goals is getting more customers, you’ll want to make sure your business is being seen by plenty of people. After all, you can’t get new customers if nobody knows you exist. Fortunately, you can find this information fairly easily.

Here’s what you need to look at:

✓ How many people are following you on social media?
✓ How many people are on your email list?
✓ What is your impression share on your ads?

If you’re paying for ads and have a weak impression share, you’ll want to figure out a way to get your money working for you. Running ads that nobody sees wastes resources that could be spent bringing new customers to your business.

Are people interacting with your business?

There’s a wealth of data you can gather both online and in your physical space to find out how you’re performing on your marketing goals. For example, you can look at your website statistics to find out what people are clicking on and what they’re ignoring. Use that information to make strategic changes toward meeting your goals.

Here’s where you’ll want to look to find out if people are interacting with your brand:

✓ How many website visits are you getting each day?
✓ Which pages are people visiting? How long are they staying on each page?
✓ How many people are requesting information from your website?
✓ What percentage of your emails are being opened?
✓ Are people clicking the links in your emails? What’s the percentage?
✓ How many people are interacting with your social media posts?
✓ How many phone calls are you getting? Where are they coming from?
✓ How many people come into your store or office?

Overall, what do these numbers tell you? If your audience’s interaction with your brand is improving, you’re on the right track. If it’s stagnant or not increasing quickly enough, you’ll need to figure out a new plan to get people to engage with your brand.

Are you getting leads and sales?

You want visibility and interactions from your audience for one main reason—to increase your leads and sales! This is the last part of the marketing strategy health check.

Here’s the data you’ll analyze to find out how you’re doing:

✓ How many people take the next step on your website by requesting information?
✓ How many people are opting in for news and updates?
✓ How many of these people make a purchase?
✓ What is the average sale per customer?
✓ What percentage of your sales are made by repeat customers?

If your leads and sales are lower than they need to be, you need to create a new plan to hit your marketing goals. But even if your sales are where you want them to be, it’s important to look at every part of this marketing strategy health check to get an idea of how you are performing in each category so you can find places for improvement.

Some months may have lower or higher sales due to circumstances outside your control, but what you CAN control is your marketing plan to ensure you’re set up for stronger performance year-round.

Reevaluating your marketing plan to hit your goals

Now that you’ve completed the marketing strategy health check, how is your brand performing? What areas do you need to work on, and how will you address them?

Use the information you find to make adjustments that are more aligned with your goals. For example, you might find out that certain social media posts receive more interactions than others. Ask yourself, what is different about those posts? Is there a certain time, day, or type of image that people seem to interact with more?

When something is working, repeat it. When something isn’t working, you have your work cut out for you trying new strategies. Fortunately, you never have to guess. Data doesn’t lie!

Want help analyzing your data and improving your marketing strategy? Get a risk-free consultation from our team at Eviva Media!

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