How Can I Stay On Top of Marketing Trends?

How Can I Stay On Top of Marketing Trends?

Let’s face it. Staying on top of marketing trends can be really stressful and challenging because they are constantly changing! It can be tough to know where to start: you don’t want to come across as a pushy salesperson, but you also want to keep up-to-date on the latest trends and news in your industry.

The good news? There are plenty of opportunities for learning (and networking!) out there if you know where to look and how to strategize.

Here are 5 tips you can use to stay relevant and up to speed with marketing trends.

1. Know Your Audience/Target Market

We cannot stress this enough! You need to have a clear understanding of the type of people you want to attract and engage with your content. Some marketing trends that perform well for one company may not do the same for others. For example, a luxury car manufacturer will have different marketing needs than a small business owner or plumber who’s looking to grow their brand, and build a list of regular clients.

The best way to ensure that your marketing efforts align with your desired customer is to do research on who your target audience is that you’re trying to reach. Determine what they like, what they share or talk about online, and what their pain points are. Once you know this information, you can use it in your marketing efforts.

2. Know What Works For Your Brand

What works for one brand may not be as effective for another. Take time to find out what content performs well for your brand and why! This will help you understand what types of marketing strategies are thriving in today’s marketplace and which ones aren’t as successful anymore.

To better understand how your branding efforts are doing try tracking your metrics! Some things to keep top of mind when going over your analytics include monitoring engagement, reach, and insights. Paying attention to these will give you a better understanding of what content is doing well now so that when it comes time to implement changes into your strategy later, it won’t feel like such a shock!

3. Don’t Be Afraid To Take Risks

Marketing trends are constantly evolving and changing, so if you’re afraid to take risks, then you will never be able to stay on top of them. You need to be willing to try something new and see how it works out for you before deciding if it is worth continuing or not.

Like we always say at Eviva Media “there’s always a better way”! If you try a marketing trend and it flops chances are it wasn’t targeted toward the right audience!

4. Be Authentic And Genuine

Marketing is all about being genuine in everything that you do, whether it be through social media or other forms of communication with your target audience. Your content will be more interesting if you convey a sense of authenticity and genuineness rather than if you present it as if it is being sold by someone who doesn’t really care about the customer or the person.

Adding a personal touch to your marketing is a great way to get noticed. Use stories to connect with your audience, educational content, funny puns, or personal experiences. Remember, people enjoy doing business with people. Don’t be afraid to add a touch of personality to your marketing!

5. Stay Up-to-Date With Social Media

The internet is constantly changing, and so are the ways we use it. Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other and stay in touch with the world around us. If you’re struggling to keep up with marketing trends, social media may be your solution.

Here are a few ways you can keep up with social media trends!

• Join groups on social media. This gives you a community to talk with, ask questions, find new ideas and see new perspectives!

• Read a blog, like you’re doing right now! There are hundreds and thousands of blogs out there that are so informative and educational.

• Utilize your work team! You have a group of people that can help you brainstorm at the tip of your fingers.

• Research, research, research! Looking at what others in your industry are doing can give you a better idea of what is working for them, and what you can improve on.

• Consider hiring a marketing professional if you do not already have one on your team; they will do all of this for you and more!

These are just a few tips you can utilize to stay on top of marketing trends, but in all reality, there are so many different aspects and important factors that go into it. As we said before, social media is constantly evolving and without an expert on your side, it can be a guessing game.

At Eviva Media, we are always learning about the latest marketing trends and always striving to provide better services to our clients, because we only succeed when you do! Take the first step towards the results you deserve by getting in touch with our team today.

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